Mary Charles Howard

After earning a Bachelors in Landscape Architecture with concentrations in Historic Preservation and Environmental Ethics from the University of Georgia, Mary Charles quickly put her talents to work and found her stride as a local entrepreneur.

She combined her love of community and small business with a passion for food and culture to launch Athens Food Tours. Many full stomachs and happy customers later, she sold the company and focused on Economic Development with Athens-based W&A Engineering. Mary Charles then moved on to become the Executive Director of the nonprofit Athensmade, launched to help create resources for local companies to build their brands and attract talent to the community.

Mary Charles now is planning her next big entrepreneurial move, this time with a focus on fusing her passions for economic development, land design, and bicycle trail riding. She’s a one-of-a-kind “localpreneur” you’re bound to love, just don’t tell her you committed “Crape Murder.”

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